Lawn Fertilization in Georgia: The Benefits You Can Expect

fertilizer going over grass

If you're like most homeowners in Georgia, you want a beautiful and lush lawn that makes your home stand out from the rest. Achieving this goal can be difficult, especially if you don't have a lot of time to devote to yard work. One of the best things you can do for your lawn is to fertilize it regularly. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of lawn fertilization in Georgia and how it can help you achieve the perfect yard! Benefits can include: 

  • Increased Nutrients 
  • Resisting Drought
  • Reduced Chance of Lawn Disease
  • Withstand Weather Conditions

Increased Nutrients

One of the main benefits of lawn fertilization is that it increases the nutrients in your soil. This is important because it helps your grass to grow thicker and healthier. Additionally, it can also help to prevent weeds from taking over your yard. Fertilizing your lawn on a regular basis is one of the best things you can do to keep it looking its best! Nutrients have many benefits for your lawn as they will make your grass greener, taller, and most likely grow quicker. 

Resisting Drought

Another great benefit of lawn fertilization is that it can help your turf to resist drought conditions. This is important because, in Georgia, we often experience periods of drought. By fertilizing your grass, you are helping it to retain moisture better so that it can withstand these dry conditions. Fertilized lawns are also less likely to suffer from brown patches during periods of drought. If your lawn begins to suffer from brown patches, it can spread and eventually take over your yard. 

Reduced Chance of Lawn Disease

Fertilizing your lawn also reduces the chance of it developing diseases. This is because fertilized yards are healthier and stronger. Additionally, lawns that have been routinely fertilized will be easier to treat if diseases are ever being developed. As we mentioned with brown patches above, this occurs when the weather starts to cool off and a fungus called Rhizoctonia forms, which leaves the brown spots on your lawn. With proper fertilization, this is less likely to happen. Other popular lawn diseases in Georgia that can affect your yard without fertilization can include: 

  • Dollar Spot - Patches in sunken grass
  • Rust - Yellow tips on the top of grass blades
  • Leaf Spot - Black or purple spots with tan-colored blades in the middle 
  • Pythium Blight - Occurs with poorly drained soil and destroys the grass and grounds leaving bare spots and brown grass. 

Withstand Weather Conditions

Fertilizing your lawn helps it withstand weather conditions, both hot and cold. For example, in the summer when temperatures start to rise, grass can become stressed and turn brown. This is due to a lack of water and nutrients. By fertilizing your yard, you are giving it the nutrients it needs to stay healthy during these hotter months. In the fall/winter months, fertilization can help prevent diseases from developing on your lawn. No matter the weather conditions your turf will be put through a test, but with proper lawn fertilization, the chances of disease coming back increase severely. 

Professional Lawn Fertilization Services

If you don't have the proper time to maintain your lawn and are worried about all of the potential damage and diseases, look to a trustworthy lawn care company like Got Lawn?. Our expert technicians offer no contracts and satisfaction guarantees. We are locally owned and operated in the Atlanta area, so don't wait any longer for a yard you deserve. 

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