Lawn Fertilization: Why It’s Important for Southern Lawns in Georgia

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If you are a homeowner in Georgia, then you know that the lawn is a very important part of your property. Not only does it add curb appeal, but it also helps to keep your home cooler in the summertime. A well-maintained lawn requires regular fertilization in order to stay healthy and looking good. In this blog post, we will discuss why fertilization is so important for southern lawns and provide some tips for how to choose the right fertilizer for your needs.

What is lawn fertilization?

Lawn fertilization is a process of adding nutrients to the soil which will then be taken up by grass plants and other plants in your lawn. This helps them grow better, healthier, and with more vigor than if they did not have these additional resources available for growth. The most common types of fertilizer are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), or a combination of these three nutrients.

What are the benefits of fertilization?

Lawn fertilization can help your grass grow thicker and greener, which will, in turn, make it more resistant to disease and pest infestations as well as drought conditions. Fertilizing your lawn also helps keep weeds at bay because they won't be able to compete with the lush plant growth that comes from fertilizer use.

Should you fertilize your lawn before or after rain?

It is best to apply lawn fertilizer before a rain event. If you do not have an opportunity to fertilize before it rains, then wait until the ground is dry to apply the fertilizer. Fertilizers can runoff and cause water pollution if applied when the ground is wet.

Should you water your grass after applying fertilizer?

You should typically wait 24-48 hours after applying fertilizers to your grass to water it. This will help the treatment fully absorb into your lawn and will avoid runoff of the product. During the 24-48 hour timeframe, the nutrients will be able to break down and begin treating your grass blades. 

How cold is too cold to fertilize a lawn?

Fertilizing a lawn during cold weather is possible, but the process should be done with caution. The main concern when fertilizing in colder weather is that the fertilizer will not dissolve in water and will instead form clumps on the surface of the soil. If you choose to fertilize your lawn during cold weather, do so early in the morning so that there is enough time for the product to absorb into the soil.

What time of day is best to apply fertilizer?

The best time of day to fertilize a lawn is typically in the morning. This allows for the nutrients to be absorbed by the grass blades and encourages healthy growth. However, if you are applying a fertilizer that includes weed killer, it is best to apply it in the evening so that the herbicide will have time to work overnight.

How do I know what kind of fertilizer to use?

The best way to know what kind of fertilizer you should use is by contacting a local lawn fertilization company. They can analyze your soil and tell you exactly which type will be most effective for your specific needs. If there isn’t enough nitrogen in each blade, then new growth won’t occur as quickly or at all!

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